Our love for the deep south is what keeps us traveling the area rich with American history and friendly folks.
“How ya doing?” is a common greeting given and received by/from perfect strangers.
We believe you would like to visit the southern states and know where to find those hidden gems off the beaten path as well as the secrets of those hot spots you may have heard about.
Meet Shirley And Stacy
We love traveling the South especially historic sites. Having lived in Georgia most of our lives, a love of the culture and rich history is bred into us.
Our favorite southern beach is Myrtle Beach in South Carolina where there are tons of things to do, lots of shopping and plenty of restaurants to choose from. However Tybee Island, Georgia is the place to go for rest and relaxation. One of our most favorite vacations ever was a trip to Tybee when we stayed at a B&B, sat on the front porch and watched the waves roll up and rode bicycles all over the island.
Pigeon Forge Tennessee is our mountain preference mostly for the shopping and sights but we also love the serenity and history of the North Georgia mountains.
We also own the Homemaking blog Intelligent Domestications which Shirley started in 2013.
We have two grown daughters and six grand children, five of which are boys!
Most days you can find us relaxing at home and loving on our fur babies; Hudson, a Golden Doodle and Winston, a Labradoodle. We also have two Domestic Tabby Cats; Hooblee and Heeblee.